5 Quotes & Sayings By Jill Ciment

Jill Ciment is a best-selling author and an award-winning journalist. She has written for many national publications, including the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the Boston Globe. Her work has been published in dozens of magazines and anthologies nationwide. She has appeared on television and radio shows such as Charlie Rose, NPR’s This American Life, and CBS’s Early Show Read more

Jill holds a degree in journalism from Arizona State University and lives in Massachusetts with her husband and two sons.

She could stand to think that life’s experiences, good and bad, died with the body, but she couldn’t bear to believe that the dreams vanished too, those exquisite flights of reverie that never actually happened. All those experiences you can have for free. How could they burn and turn to ash? She would disappear one day, too, both her flesh and the woman she dreamed herself to be. Jill Ciment
If you look closely you'll find all my lovers inscribed on my skin. Jill Ciment
The stupid girl thinks Muslim is a language. Jill Ciment
Old age robs you of every last illusion, even the belief in your own goodness. Jill Ciment